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Blog 5

Writer's picture: Nicholas WayNicholas Way

11/26 - 12/3/2023

This week I created an asset that was missing from the castle, and finalized the hero checkpoint art!

Time Breakdown



Castle Red Rug


Studio All Hands + Overworld Artist Meetings


Final Hero Checkpoint


This dev-blog post will be short, because this two-week period included Thanksgiving week, so I only worked from November 27 to December 3. During this week, I created an ornate rug for the castle (left), and briefly polished and finalized the hero checkpoint art that I created last sprint.

When making the rug, I found that finding a pattern and color scheme similar to the shape and color language I used on the banners would be tricky, especially because keeping the gold the same shade might make the overworld sprites more difficult to see against such a busy background. I considered making the rug less ornate, but I ultimately decided that ornate rugs look cool, and as long as they are not too prevalent, the risk of obscuring the player silhouette is worth the detail you would expect of a castle's rug.

The completion of Project Quest has been pushed to next semester, so I am not as worried anymore about giving the programming team time to implement any last-minute art additions.

I don't have a lot of tasks laid out for the last few days before the showcase, but I will probably create a few assets that next semester's team will have a chance to work with!

Project Quest

Nicholas Way

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