4/8 - 4/21/2024
Soul of the Forest is finished! I helped integrate updated village art, and playtested with other leads for final tweaks.
Time Breakdown for 4/8 - 4/21 | | Total: | 12.5h |
Village Art Update | 3h | Studio All Hands and Leads Meetings | 4h |
Creative Production Mentorship Metings | 1h | Task Creation & Outreach | 3h |
Playtesting | 1.5h |
The game is done! Repo lock was on Friday, the showcase is tomorrow, and I'm beyond excited to see what people think about what we have made!
On Thursday this past week, I met with one of the Level programmers to import a new tileset to the village revisit (when the Druid returns to the village after it has been burned by the Hero). The art team created a new version of the ground tileset that uses a striking yellow color instead of the previous soft orange. (This one! \/ )
One interesting challenge we faced was on the topic of how to visually separate the two village encounters without complicating the task. Both the original village and the burned village revisit use the same LDTK file, and so if we were to create a new one, we would risk breaking anything that might have depended on it (as well as violate DRY). What we did instead was to create a new ground layer that could be rendered on top of the other, and disable it in Unity in the first village scene. This did mean we needed to re-set up the tileset rules and redraw the village layout, but it went much smoother than last week, now that I know what I'm doing. I'm glad I got a chance to work with LDTK again, and flex the lessons I learned when integrating the final castle art.
In addition to working in-engine, I fulfilled my main role as producer by running squad meetings, relaying messages between departments, and creating/assigning tasks in Jira. Today, I met with the other leads for one final leads-only meeting, where we playtested, fixed bugs, and reflected on the semester together for a few hours.
This is where I would normally write about the coming week, but all we will be doing is celebrating! It's been a great semester, and I'm really glad I ended up working on the project again!
Project Quest
Nicholas Way